Tranistion Marker Between 18 and 19

Narrative for Transition Marker between Sites 18 and 19 on the Sabbath Trail

by Pastor Merlin Knowles

The evil one is constantly introducing lies and false doctrine into Christianity in order to neutralize the truth and give the wrong picture of God. The first century church was no exception. The apostle Paul admonished the Thessalonians not to be "shaken" by those in the church promoting fanaticism regarding Christ's Second Coming. A few years later he warned the Galatians that false teachers in their midst were perverting the gospel of Christ. It should be no surprise that the Sabbath would also be under attack. That attack began subtly and developed steadily over the next several centuries.


The pure gospel of Christ, although zealously guarded by the apostles, was attacked even in their lifetime. During the following few centuries, compromise and heresy crept into Christianity. The Sabbath was just one of many doctrines that suffered as a result of these gradual changes. Gal. 1:6-12, 2 Thess. 2:1-10



La palabra pura de Cristo en los corazones de los apóstoles, fue motivo de ataque durante sus tiempos. Durante los siguientes siglos, el compromiso y la herejía arrastró el cristianismo. Como resultado el sábado fue una más de muchas doctrinas que sufrió cambios graduales. Gálatas 1:6-12; 2 Tesalonicenses 2:1-10


O puro evangelho de Cristo, apesar de zelosamente guardado pelos apóstolos, foi atingido naquela época. Durante alguns séculos seguintes, a distorcida observação do Sábado e a heresia manifestaram-se no cristianismo. O Sábado foi uma das muitas doutrinas que sofreram como resultado destas graduais mudanças. Gálatas 1:6-12 e II Tessalonicenses 2:1-10