The Sabbath Restored Part 6 Site 14

Narrative for Site 14 on the Sabbath Trail

by Pastor Merlin Knowles

On the first day of creation God spoke and there was light. Within a few days He spoke life into existence that was in turn sustained by the light. Four thousand years later Jesus revealed the fact that He Himself was that light and life-giver. So when Jesus healed the man on the Sabbath that had been born blind, He gave a physical illustration of who He was and of what the Sabbath celebrated. There were some in Christ's day who viewed sunshine as the source of life, but Jesus demonstrated that the source of light and life was in fact the Creator. In this Sabbath miracle of giving sight to the man born blind, Christ identified Himself as Creator God. He was the source of light and life, and the Sabbath was a celebration of the fact that all light and life come from Him.


The Sabbath Restored - Part 6

Jesus described himself as the Divine, light-giving, Messiah. He then illustrated His identity and tied it to true Sabbath keeping by giving sight to the man "born blind". Those who rejected Christ, chose darkness and unbelief. To them, the Sabbath became an empty form, void of meaning. In contrast, the Sabbath was light and life to the healed man who believed, accepted, followed, and worshipped Jesus. John. 8-10


El Sábado Restaurado - Parte 6

Jesús se describe Él mismo como Divino, brindador de luz, El Mesías. Después Él demostró su identidad y la unió al verdadero cuidado del sábado dándole vista a un hombre "ciego de nacimiento." Aquellos que rechazaron a Cristo escogieron la oscuridad y la incredulidad. Pero el sábado era la luz y la vida para el hombre que Jesús había sanado, este creyó, aceptó, siguió y adoró a Jesús. Juan 8-10


O Sábado Restaurado - Parte 6

Jesus descreveu a si mesmo como Divino, Fonte de Luz e Messias. Ele então ilustrou Sua identidade e relacionamento com a verdadeira guarda do Sábado por dar a vista para o homem “ nascido cego ”. Aqueles que rejeitaram a Cristo escolheram as trevas e a incredulidade. Para eles, o Sábado tornou-se uma forma vazia, sem significado. Em contraste, o Sábado foi luz e vida para o homem curado que acreditou, aceitou, seguiu e adorou a Jesus. João 8-10