The Sabbath at the Cross Site 16

Narrative for Site 16 on the Sabbath Trail

by Pastor Merlin Knowles

The Sabbath, in the beginning, was connected to creation and then set aside as a time for us to stop long enough to acknowledge our humanity in contrast to God's divinity. He is Creator and we rest in Him as creatures of His hands. We had no part in the work of creation except to receive it as a gift and then to praise Him. The Sabbath at the cross was connected to redemption in a similar way, as a time for us to stop and acknowledge our lost condition in contrast to His saving sacrifice. He is Redeemer and we rest in Him as the purchase of His blood. Again, we had no part in the work of redemption except to receive it as a gift and praise Him. The Sabbath is a time to rest and worship in total dependence on God, our Creator and Redeemer.




The Sabbath at the Cross

In the beginning, Christ rested on the Sabbath after HIS finished work of creation. Adam and Eve were privileged to rest with Him on that Sabbath in celebration of His finished creative acts. At the cross, Christ again rested on the Sabbath after His finished work of redemption on the earth. We are privileged to rest in both our creator's and our redeemer's finished work on the Sabbath. Mk. 15:40 - 16:2, Jn. 19:29-42


El Sábado en la Cruz

En el principio, Cristo descansó en el sábado después que terminó su trabajo en la creación. Adán y Eva fueron privilegiados por descansar con Él en sábado celebrando la conclusión de su obra de creación. En la cruz, Cristo nuevamente descansó en sábado después que terminó su trabajo de redención en la tierra. Nosotros somos privilegiados al descansar juntamente con nuestro Creador y nuestro Redentor de nuestras actividades cada sábado. Marcos 15:40-16:2, Juan 19:29-42


O Sábado na Cruz

No princípio, Cristo descansou no Sábado depois de finalizar o Seu trabalho de criação. Adão e Eva foram privilegiados por descansarem com Ele naquele Sábado na celebração por concluir o Seu ato criador. Na cruz, Cristo novamente descansou no Sábado depois de concluido o trabalho de redenção na terra. Nos somos privilegiados por descansarmos em ambos nAquele que nos criou e nos redimiu e que concluiu o ministério no Sábado. Marcos 15:40 - 16:2 e João 19:29-42