Washington Still Speaks


As the volunteer Site Director of the Washington NH SDA Church I have been asked, "Why do you give your time to the Washington Church?" My response is that the Washington NH Church still speaks to us. The Seventh-day Adventist Church went from a small rural church in New Hampshire to over 18 million members. When we look at these roots, how can we not but believe that God can use us to finish His Gospel commission. 

This page will deal with spiritual tidbits I share with visitors when they come. These may be from history past, history present and discuss our future history.  But in all remember, the Washington NH church still speaks. 

The first article "The Social Meeting" lists the questions that John Wesley used in his group meetings, which we refer to as "The Social Meeting", and the Band Meetings which were small accountability groups.  These questions will deepen your spiritual walk but Russell Burrill's comments give the history of Wesley and the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 

The next articles are meant to deepen your walk in these prophetic last days. 

~  Ken Brummel

Five Minute Revivals 

(These are simple but not easy.)

One Question

The Highest Authority in the Universe

William Miller's Bible Study Method

Friendship With God



Bible Study Templates

The Gospel of John

Salvation: Justification Sanctification Glorification