The Sabbath at the Advent Site 30

Narrative for Site 30 on the Sabbath Trail

by Pastor Merlin Knowles

The Sabbath, rather than becoming less significant over time has taken on deeper and broader meaning. From the beginning it was a memorial of God as Creator. After sin however, it also became the sign of a faith relationship with God as Redeemer. The Sabbath encompasses all of the things that God in His love does to restore humanity to wholeness as well as the things we do in response to that love. Therefore, the Sabbath is symbolic of personally experiencing God as creator, justifier, sanctifier, and glorifier.

At the Second Coming of Jesus, Christians are glorified and enter the millennial Sabbath rest, which means that those who are spiritually connected with Jesus will at that time also be taken to live in His presence physically. Thus, those who are "resting" in Christ, whether resting asleep in the grave or resting alive in faith, will all be caught up to be forever with Him. This event inaugurates the ultimate Sabbath rest which begins in the righteous atmosphere of heaven and then continues on this Earth after it is re-created.



Sabbath at the Advent

The Sabbath....a time to worship our Maker and Redeemer; a time for God to liberate and heal; a time to rest by faith in God's finished work; a time to sense our infinite value in God's eyes; a time to know, commune with and delight in our face, embracing Him who died that we might live, rejoicing as the graves open wide, rising together to meet our Lord in the air...experiencing ultimate Sabbath rest with Him forever. I Thess. 4:13-18


El Sábado al Advenimiento

El sábado...un tiempo para adorar a nuestro Creador y Redentor; un día hecho por Dios para liberar y sanar; un día para descansar en el trabajo terminado por Dios; un día para sentir nuestro valor infinito a la luz de los ojos de Dios; un tiempo para saber comulgar y deleitarse con nuestro Creador...en el advenimiento...reunidos con nuestro amado Salvador y verle cara a cara, abrazando a quien murió para que podamos vivir, regocijándonos cuando los sepulcros se abran ampliamente, levantándonos juntos para encontrarnos con nuestro Señor en el aire...experimentado el descanso último del sábado con Él por toda la eternidad. 1 Tesalonicenses 4:13-18



O Sabado no Advento

O Sábado… um tempo para a adoração de nosso Criador e Redentor; um tempo para Deus libertar e curar; um tempo para o descanso pela fé na obra final de Deus; um tempo para sentir nosso infinito valor aos olhos de Deus; um tempo para conhecê-Lo, ter comunhão com Ele e nos alegrarmos no Nosso Criador…noAdvento…encontrando nosso precioso Salvador face a face, aceitando-O como Aquele que morreu para que pudéssemos viver, regozijando-nos com os que saíram dos sepulcros, subindo junto com eles para o encontro com o nosso Senhor nos ares…experimentando o Sábado de descanso com Ele para sempre. I Tessalonicenses 4:13-18