The Sabbath - Creation to 1998 Site 28

Narrative for Site 28 on the Sabbath Trail

by Pastor Merlin Knowles

When the Sabbath was first given to humanity as a precious gift, only Adam and Eve were there to receive it. Many others such as Abel, Seth, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob surely appreciated and kept that gift intact. At the time of the Exodus, God performed several miracles among His followers to reinforce the value and importance of this unique gift. By Christ's day it became necessary for Jesus to restore the beauty and purpose of the Sabbath through a series of miracles and teachings. After the resurrection, another day gradually was substituted for God's special day, but here and there throughout Europe and Africa individuals and groups still observed the Sabbath. During the great spiritual awakening of the early 1800's when many Bible truths were revived, the Sabbath was revived also. By our day, some 200 years later, millions cherish the gift of the Sabbath first given to humanity in the Garden of Eden.



The Sabbath: Creation to 1998

God has preserved the Sabbath for 6,000 years. First given to mankind through Adam and Eve, then entrusted to Israel, restored by Christ, observed by the apostles, kept by many faithful, and taken by Seventh-day Adventists to all nations. There are now over 10 million Sabbathkeeping Christians in 205 countries circling the globe.



El Sábado: Desde la creación hasta 1998

Dios ha preservado el sábado por 6,000 años. Primeramente dándolo a la humanidad a través de Adán y Eva. Después le confió el sábado a Israel, restaurado por Cristo, observado por los apóstoles, guardado por muchos de los creyentes, y tomado por los Adventistas del Séptimo Día a todas las naciones. Ahora son más de 10 millones de cristianos guardando el sábado en 205 países alrededor del mundo.


O Sábado: Criação até 1998 (presente)

Deus tem preservado o Sábado por 6000 anos. Primeiramente dando para a humanidade através de Adão e Eva. Depois o Sábado foi confiado a Israel, restaurado por Cristo, observado pelos apóstolos, guardado por muitos fieis e, levado pelos Adventistas do Sétimo Dia para todas as nações. Existem agora cerca de 10 milhões de cristãos guardadores do Sábado em 205 países ao redor do mundo.