The Sabbath Restored Part 2 Site 10

Narrative for Site 10 on the Sabbath Trail

by Pastor Merlin Knowles

In Christ's very first miracle on the Sabbath day, He demonstrated what is appropriate on the Sabbath. In no way was He breaking the Sabbath, rather He was helping people to understand what Sabbath keeping was all about. It was all about restoring, it was all about lifting up humanity. Sabbath actually became not only a symbol of creation in the beginning, as we worship God, our creator God on the Sabbath, but as He delivered the Israelites from Egypt, it became a symbol of redemption, and so Christ was reminding and taking the people back to show them that the Sabbath was all about bringing people to wholeness and oneness with Him again.



The Sabbath Restored - Part 2

Jesus' miracle of healing the man beside the pool honored God's name as well as the Sabbath. God's character of love in constantly working to uplift and redeem His creation was demonstrated by Christ's actions. He showed that true Sabbath keeping includes, in fact, intends works of redemption, relief of suffering, and bringing people to health and wholeness. Christ began the process of setting the Sabbath free of burdensome man-made rules. John. 5:1-47.


El Sábado Restaurado - Parte 2

El milagro de Jesús de curar al hombre que estaba al lado del estanque de Betesda, honoró el nombre de Dios y también el sábado. El carácter del amor de Dios está constantemente trabajando para levantar y redimir su creación lo cual fue demostrado a través de las acciones de Cristo. Él demostró que el verdadero cuidado del sábado incluye en realidad, el proponerse a trabajar para la redención, aliviar al sufrido y traer a la gente a la salud completa. Cristo comenzó el proceso de dejar el sábado libre de reglas hechas por hombres. Juan 5:1-47.



O Sábado Restaurado - Parte 2

O milagre de Jesus curar o homem ao lado do poço de Betesda honrou o nome de Deus tão bem quanto a guarda do Sábado. O caráter de Deus em amar constantemente para erguer e redimir Sua criação foi demonstrado pelos atos de Cristo. Ele mostrou que a verdadeira guarda do Sábado inclui, em realidade, atos de salvar, aliviar o sofrimento e trazer saúde e integridade para as pessoas. Cristo começou o processo de tornar o Sábado livre da opressão artificiosa das leis. João 5:1-47.