The Sabbath Restored Part 7 Site 15

Narrative for Site 15 on the Sabbath Trail

by Pastor Merlin Knowles

The Messiah was sent to preach deliverance to the captives. The Sabbath was tied to this saving work of Christ when Jesus intentionally loosed Satan's victims during its sacred hours. The Sabbath was a time when the Creator desired to especially draw near to His children. This was illustrated in the manner that Jesus used to straighten the bent and crippled woman.

This woman who was freed from the devil's grasp after 18 years, experienced an embrace from her Creator as Jesus held her with both hands and healed her. The Sabbath was restored as a time to release Satan's victims in order that they might have intimate fellowship with their Creator.


The Sabbath Restored - Part 7

In His last two Sabbath miracles, Christ healed and released Satan's victims, freeing them to praise and honor God's name. The Sabbath was renewed as a time to know, to fellowship with, and to embrace our Creator. Jesus was accused of breaking the Sabbath, but in reality, He broke only traditions that perverted the Sabbath. He perfectly kept the Sabbath and restored it to its purity and beauty. Lk. 13:10-17, 14:1-6


El Sábado Restaurado - Parte 7

En sus últimos dos milagros en sábado, Cristo sanó y desató las victimas de Satanás, liberándolos para que estos pudieran adorar y honorar el nombre de Dios. El sábado fue creado como un día para conocerlo, para comulgar con Él y para que nos acerquemos mas a Dios nuestro Creador. Jesús fue acusado por profanar el sábado, pero en realidad, Él quebrantó tradiciones que pervertían el sábado. El perfectamente guardó el sábado y lo restauró al estado original de pureza y belleza. Lucas 13:10-17, 14:1-6


O Sábado Restaurado - Parte 7

Nos Seus últimos dois milagres no Sábado, Cristo curou e libertou as vítimas de Sata-nás, libertando-as para louvarem e honrarem o nome de Deus. O Sábado foi renovado como um tempo para conhecê-Lo, para comungar com Ele e para nos aproximarmos dEle, nosso Criador. Jesus foi acusado de transgressor do Sábado, mas, em realidade, ele quebrou somente as tradições que pervertiam o Sábado. Ele guardou perfeitamente o Sábado e renovou-o em sua pureza e beleza. Lucas 13:10-17 e 14:1-6